Goal: Promote regional recreation

Support and coordinate regional recreation promotional efforts.
Develop an online tool to integrate initiatives and support implementation.

Explore Northwest Florida

Explore Northwest Florida is a regional marketing organization, dedicated to promoting the Apalachicola and Choctawhatchee River Basins as premier destinations for nature-based tourism. Explore Northwest Florida leverages local contributions, grant funding and in-kind services to market the region’s unique resources. In its 2020-2025 Five Year Strategic Plan, Explore Northwest Florida set forth several implementation strategies,

  • Increase promotional avenues through digital marketing and printed material distribution.
  • Partner with the region’s member Tourist Development Councils on co-op marketing initiatives.
  • Create regional and local itineraries.
  • Continue to update and keep current the mapped assets.
  • Determine the gaps in tourism infrastructure.

Additional Resources 

Explore Northwest Florida

Explore Northwest Florida Destinations



Florida Department of Environmental Protection 

The Florida Panhandle has approximately 2.4 million acres of recreation lands and water (ranked second in the state), including a significant share of federally- and state-owned recreation land. This rich landscape of unique ecological, cultural and historic assets is the foundation for a vibrant regional recreation economy with strategic investments in access and amenities. According to the Northwest Planning Region Report, “the region is most well-known for its abundant white sand beaches, freshwater springs and numerous river systems ideal for water-based activities such as cave diving and paddling.”

Additional Resources

FDEP Office of Greenways and Trails

Paddling Trails

Trail Town Program

Outdoor Florida App – smartphone application to find outdoor activities and parks